
HousingLink Blog

Beyond Section 8 Vouchers: Other Voucher Programs Landlords May Encounter

Aug 27, 2018, 15:40 by Josh Dye

A number of rental assistance programs other than Section 8 Vouchers exist to help low income people. Understanding the differences can help landlords decide which programs they will consider.

Buckle up! Here are some common Tenant Based Rental Assistance programs in Minnesota (other than Section 8):

VASH Vouchers

Individuals served: Homeless veterans

How it works: Veterans receive rental assistance from local housing authorities with case management and clinical services provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).  These services are provided at VA medical centers and community-based outreach clinics. Renters pay 30% of their income for the rent.


Individuals served: Mentally ill

How it works: Individuals with chronic and persistent mental illnesses receive rental assistance from local housing authorities and supportive services from mental health providers.  Renters pay 30% of their income for the rent.

Shelter + Care

Individuals served: Homeless with disabilities, serious mental illness, AIDS, and chronic problems with alcohol and/or drugs.
How it works: Individuals receive rental assistance and supportive services from nonprofit organizations or community mental health agencies. A landlord can lease the unit directly to the renter or lease it to the nonprofit agency. Renters pay 30% of their income for the rent.

There are also other programs where nonprofits access state and federal funds to implement rent assistance programs. Sometimes these programs serve specific populations like veterans, those with mental illness or long-term homelessness. In other cases the only qualification is to have a low income.

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